WordPress: Likes And Follows

It is nice when others appreciate or compliment one’s writing/blog/creativity.

However, one should not depend on others to like or to comment as the fuel for encouragement or inspiration.

If you let people make you then they will be able to break you.

You must believe within yourself and like what you do if or when nobody else does.

Sure, there is nothing wrong with constructive criticism if it is warranted. There is always room for improvement in all areas and aspects.

One should not base success or failure on how many likes or comments that one does or does not receive.

Everyone is not genuine and everyone is not phony.

However, just because someone clicks the like button on a post does not mean that they really liked or enjoyed what they read.

And, just because someone did not click the like button on a post does not mean that they did not like it. People can love another person’s work without bothering to respond in any way.

People are reading other people’s blogs or writings even if they do not think they are. Do not always rely on what you see because things are not always as they seem.

There are a lot of sincere people on WordPress and within the internet world.

Nevertheless, I must be real because there are too many people on WordPress and within the internet world in general for everyone to be completely honest or interested.

This factor is not just a “blogging thing” but an everyday worldly thing. It is universal within all dealings in life.

We all have unique styles, taste, and preferences. Some of us relate to one another some of us do not. It does not mean our writings are not good or appealing. Everyone is not going to like everything about us or what may result from us. It does not matter, and it is nothing to take personal.

To each his or her own.

We all have wonderful things to create, share, and offer. None of our contributions should be hindered by the expectation of others.

Expect the best to come from oneself by doing the best that one can. Do not look to others to validate what is already confirmed from within.

I am honest if I hit the like button or give a comment. I was not normally one to do those things routinely (click the like button or make comments often) throughout the years. It did not mean if I read something it was not interesting or good to me. A lot of us are that way.

When I have the time, I respond back to people who took the time to read my blog and I find wonderful, talented, interesting writings from people as I visit their blogs.

There is so much diversity out there and that is great.

I do not look for or expect everyone to like or to comment all the time (it is not realistic) it has no impact on my desire to write.

So, enjoy the community that is supportive, yet do not let that be the motivating factor when it comes to the drive of one’s pursuit.

Love what you do and be encouraged by what you love.




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