Gifts Of The Spirit

Some of us are spiritually incline. We may not be able to talk about our experience to just anyone. We are not supposed to.

Others doubts, disbelief or misgivings about preternatural ability does not make the subject any less real or non-existent.

When one is born with “special” or extraordinary faculty and has lived with accounts all of their life no one can tell them about what they know or where their capacity comes from.

Every spiritual/supernatural predisposition is not the work of the devil.

Some believe a natural talent is something people are born with, and that a spiritual gift is something people are given.

I know factually that spiritual gifts are inborn and even hereditary.

I have been fortunate to have specific people within my circle who share a connection within genuine spiritual encounters.

The Lord works with us in diverse ways for his purpose and if it were not for me having the spiritual gifts of discernment, distinguishing spirits, and other supernatural ability through birth my faith would not be as strong as it is.


Jealous Ones (People Who Try To Bring You Down)

I had a lot of people who were jealous of me throughout the years ever since childhood. When people are jealous of you, they try to get other people not to like you whether they tell lies on you or try to make you look bad by their misconceptions of what they perceive or want you to be.

When certain people do not know you and hear negative things about you, they tend to judge you and jealous people depend on that factor to conduct plans to hurt, discourage or to bring one down, in general.

Some people are smart enough to not always listen to gossip and unsubstantiated rumors about others who they do not know personally, professionally, or casually.

Yes, many of us do have strong intuition and can hear something and know whether to believe in something that may be true or false, but going purely by what someone else says by word of mouth is both irresponsible and unwise.

It is always better to find out the truth for oneself because sometimes it is just a matter of miscommunication, incompatibility, or different points of view among those who do not get along or who do not like one another.

Jealousy is a poison, a toxic emotion based on insecurity and feelings of inadequacy, and other aspects related to a particular individual.

It never fazed me one way or another who conspired against me within the past because I had a keen sense of self, self-value, and self-respect. Nobody’s actions could hurt me at all- and that is the truth.

Whatever anyone said or did was reflected on themself and they resented my knowledge and strength to not be affected by their head-games and innuendo.

They were not on my level when it came to intelligence, spirituality, and life experience.

I came out on top as always because I never based my self-esteem on the opinions of others nor did I ever seek the approval of anyone.

The only one who I have ever to answer to is the Lord. He knows me better than anybody, and his acceptance of me is the only thing that truly counts.

It All Starts Within The Home

Yes, there were issues with certain members of my family growing up, but I was still loved. I was cared for and genuinely accepted by my family.

My relatives all warmly accepted all the pets I brought home even if they were reluctant with some at first. I grew up in a home with security, and comfort. I was believed in, encouraged, and trusted.

The early years of my life built a foundation that no one could ever shatter later within life.

It is so important for a child to have love, support, and the correct guidance. My mother made sure I had all those things and more, and the rest of her family gave to me additional affection and regard.

When There Is No Love Lost In Death

I cannot speak for everyone just myself but the death of someone only hurts if you loved them or had some type of feeling for them.

I had people that I knew as well as family members who had died and I was not emotionally affected one bit.

However, when it came to someone I genuinely loved the pain and bereavement was deep.

I am in no way divulging this information to be cruel or inconsiderate. I am just stating a logical fact that the more you loved someone who died the worse the heartache is that one will go through.

On the contrary, when there is no love, care, or a neutral attitude towards someone who passes away there will or may be no regard at all.

Just One Of Those Things

In the 1990’s I had gotten into a conversation with an associate. We discussed a relative of mine. When I made a statement, the female I was talking to said, “Yeah, but you still love them, right?

I said in response, “No, I don’t love them.

Then I elaborated. “They are my mother’s sibling. I have nothing to do with that. You don’t love someone just because they are related to you. Love has to come natural. You love someone because of how they treat you”.

The girl was silent after my words.

A few days later, the guy who was present when his brother’s girlfriend and I relayed words to one another, acknowledged to me that she had told his sister what I said.

His sister had agreed with me and told her other brother’s girlfriend, “She’s right!”

At the time, the other girl and I were in our early twenties and she probably found my admission out of the ordinary.

I was always one who was advanced and one who spoke the truth.

I came from a very big family and no, I did not love every single one of my relatives and I didn’t see anything strange or wrong about it.



Nineteen years ago, when the veterinarian suggested to put my beloved dog of seventeen years to sleep due to her legs giving out to arthritis, I did not want to go through with it.

When the “baby of the family” as my mother called her was put to sleep, we were not present. Even though I should have been there with her by her side I could not have stood anywhere next to her while someone ended her life.

I was her caretaker, her protector.

She was a significant part of our family. How could I be there and allow someone to take her life even if it were the thing to do to put animals out of their pain, misery, or medical discontent. It just was not right to me.

Days after I would wonder if she felt any pain during the situation and what she may have gone through. I wondered how she was put to sleep, what was the procedure. I just could not rest within myself.

Finally, I remembered a book I once purchased at a mall when I was twelve or thirteen years old titled “Everything You Need to Know About Understanding Your Dog”.

At the pet shop located inside the mall there was also a duplicate book for cats.

Through the pages of the book explained Euthanasia and how animals were given an overdose of anesthesia. It gave me comfort to know the event was painless but I had wished at the time that I had just let her come home and try to make her comfortable until the day when she would eventually pass away naturally. She was nowhere near death so I would have attempted to try therapeutic supplements to remedy her arthritis.

Having to, or having to make the decision to put a pet to sleep is horrible.




Fresh And Natural

As I walked around the grocery scoping out beverages this past Friday, I noticed bottles of cold-pressed juice.

This time around I knew this juice was going to taste like the real thing unlike last time when I had doubts.

I could just tell by looking at the color of the liquid. I had a good feeling, my intuition inspired me to pick up not one, but three bottles of the juice. They were all three assorted flavors.

My main desire was for the orange juice, though.

About two or three weeks ago, I purchased a bottle of the “love grace” brand of cold-pressed juice from a different store that tasted like the ordinary orange juice that one would find everywhere. I was skeptical but gave the product a chance anyway. I am not criticizing the love grace brand, however, it did not at all taste the way a cold-pressed orange juice should taste, and I would not purchase the item again.

The juice I purchased on Friday was by “Evolution Fresh”. I bought the Organic Pure orange, Organic Defense Up (orange, pineapple, Mango, and acerola), and Organic Carrot Citrus Radiance (carrot, pineapple, orange, lemon, and ginger).

When I took a sip of the cold-pressed orange juice it tasted exactly like a freshly juiced orange. The beverage was delicious and refreshing. It had a natural flavor along with traces of the pulp and an inherent giveaway tint.

The other juice was not a natural orange juice color it was too yellowish like most commercial brands, but this Evolution Fresh has an orange tone that is genuine.

A great and healthy drink to be confident about!


Natural And Wholesome

The “Evolution Fresh” Organic Defense Up is a delicious drink. It tastes refreshing just as the Organic pure orange juice but they do not have the same exact flavor, of course.

I can taste a lot of Mango within the Defense Up smoothie. With a combination of other cold-pressed juices such as organic acerola cherry, organic apple, organic orange, and organic pineapple the beverage is truly a sensation.

I was not too crazy about the Organic Citrus Radiance. There was nothing wrong with the fruit and vegetable blend it just did not taste as good as the other two (and I absolutely love carrots).

The carrot juice overpowered most of the drink. I could taste the other fruit and spice, but the carrot flavor was the strongest. There was a hint of the ginger.

The ginger was nowhere near as potent as the “love grace” cold-pressed Blueberry Ginger Lemonade. When I first took a sip of that a few weeks ago the ginger was so strong it tasted like a soda pop. The ginger had a long-lasting tingle that I liked. I just did not like the juice blend.