True Christian Relations

Last year, during an extremely hot day in the summer, I stepped off a bus heading in the direction Google Maps was leading me to.

Occasionally, Google Maps is wrong. And, this was one of those rare days.

As I walked down a block, I spotted a woman watering her garden. I stopped to ask her how far the cemetery was.

She told me that I had a way to walk. So, I asked her if she had a number to a cab.

Immediately, she stopped what she was doing and offered to drive me to my destination herself.

Now, I do not usually get into cars with strangers but I had the feeling it would be okay. Just like one time I was out in Garden City on my way home from work during a snow storm waiting for the bus when two ladies offered me a ride back to Queens, and I took it.

This woman who had been watering her garden stopped what she was doing, wearing a cast on her leg, stepped into her jeep and gave me a ride to the cemetery.

I offered to pay her gas money to show my appreciation but no matter how many times I offered she continued to refuse.

The woman told me that she was a Christian which was explanatory enough.

The Lord orchestrated this event to occur just like he did when he had those generous two ladies pick me up during that terrible day of cold weather.

God loves when he brings his children together to show one another genuine kindness and courtesy, selflessly giving of ourselves, and sacrificing for one another in his honor.

Magnesium Stearate

Practically all of my life I have taken vitamins.

As one who is vegan/vegetarian for over thirty years now I am careful as to what I put into my body.

I always read the ingredients on everything before I make a purchase.

For about four years now I have refrained from buying supplements that contain titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose and other unnecessary fillers or additives. I made an exception on vitamins that were essential to me that did include one or two of these ingredients due to not finding alternative products to suit my preferences.

Nevertheless, I stopped compromising.

I discarded all of my vitamins that contained ingredients undesirable to me and purchased new ones to replace them.

It took me a while to find just what I was looking for after researching and investigating companies before reaching my decision.





Vitamin E

Even though I eat clean and nutritious I still continue to take particular supplements that are beneficial and that contribute to my well-being.

Years ago, I use to take a dry form (plant-based non oily source) vitamin E by Solgar. It was very good, excellent in fact.

However, Solgar discontinued the vitamin E by itself and added Selenium to the product for better absorption. I did not care for the combination together.

It no longer mattered anyway since now all of my supplements are sourced from whole food.

In general, it is hard to find a good quality dry vitamin E.

I have always loved peanuts and sunflower seeds so I can get plenty of natural vitamin E through eating from these sources if need be.

MSM (Organic Sulphur)

I wrote about MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) a long time ago. I began to take MSM regularly eleven years ago.

Before that, I had periodically taken a supplement that had included MSM as an ingredient.

I only purchase Optimsm for safety, purity and high quality.

The very first time I tried MSM it was by the Solgar brand. I stopped taking Solgar MSM and other Solgar products as well as certain other brands due to the magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose that is used within the manufacturing process.

Overall, MSM is essential for our bodies. It can heal and relieve a wide variety of ailments or conditions.



Whole Food Vitamins

Everyone is different and everyone has their own preference.

I decided to cease from taking synthetic forms of vitamins such as L-Ascorbic Acid and other specific vitamins made within a laboratory.

I take whole food vitamins sourced entirely from fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts.

These natural derivatives are better absorbed by our bodies and are overall better for our health.

All of my supplements are non gmo. Some are organic. In conclusion, all of my vitamins and raw powders are clean without the use of any impurities.

Crazy Christians


I come from a very large family on my mother’s side of the family.

There are relatives I do not know and that I have never met.

What I do know is my family always had a belief and connection to God.

My mother went to church regularly as a child yet I did not attend church regularly during my youth and I do not go now.

People can read their bibles constantly, go to church continually, and do good deeds consistently- yet they still do not know God intimately.

There are a lot of people who call themselves Christians with the belief that they are superior to others or within a position to judge others according to their own distorted, limited, or narrow-minded view of what they interpret, misinterpret, or imitate from scripture.

I grew up not liking many of these types of people and I understand why others may resent and disregard them.

A lot of people who call themselves Christians often display an air of complacency. They patronize others who they think or believe are not understanding and aware.

If one may use a figure of speech, talk in a comfortable way they grew up familiar with, or say something not completely aligned with scripture as they adhere to, they are quick to point out and correct you when you actually know more, or just as much as they think they do- but just spoke out in words not articulated to their standard.

They also do not want to listen to or hear anything about God if you do not agree with them or see things from a different perspective.

A lot of these people who call themselves Christians are sick people with different insecurities, motives, and levels of mentality.

They use God as a crutch and they use the church as a place to hide behind to compensate for the past deeds and dirt that they want to cover up. Some people’s former lifestyle will haunt them and drive them crazy.

I am not at all bashing Christians. I am just acknowledging those in specific who it applies to.

It is just a fact that there are people not Christian who are some of the most kind, considerate, intelligent, honest and understanding people.

Then there are Christians who are mean, nasty, ignorant and untrustworthy.

I have always been a child of God and I know him in a personal way. God warns me and exposes to me those who I need to be cautious of.

Do not be fooled by the ones who put on an elaborate show. We gain the advantage by remaining genuine in our imperfections, childlike in manner, allowing the Lord to sit us on his lap to distinguish and protect us from the others.