Holiday Weekend Off!


When I regularly worked retail, my managers would intentionally give me Christmas and New Year’s Day off because I was such a good worker. They felt that I deserved to have those days off.


It is Christmas Eve morning. I was scheduled to work today but was able to call out ahead of time yesterday while I was at one of my jobs.

I have the day off tomorrow too for Christmas.

I am one who did not mind working on the holidays since I was not into traditionally celebrating them, the extra bonus pay does not hurt either.

However, I appreciate not having to spend time working on a day meant to celebrate.

I have decades of long years under my belt of running around energetically from place to place, location to location, and from field to field- at all different hours enjoying my opportunities to be flexible when my jobs required or requested it to my accord.


It Is Not The Present That Counts To Me: It Is The One Who Presents It


I have always been a very good judge of character. I have the gift of discernment on many levels.

When people rub me the wrong way I rub them off permanently!- latoya lawrence 


I am not nor have I ever been a materialistic person or a needy person.

I do not require others for emotional stability or financial support to thrive or survive, I am self-sufficient.

My mother raised me with much love, strength, wisdom, security, and faith in God above.

My divine creator supplies all my needs.

When people who I was not fond of sent me cards or gave me a present I did not accept or appreciate their effort.

I did not care about the time that it took for them to shop around for me.

I have thrown out a card or two without even opening them- I did not even care if money was inside of it.

I told a relative on my father’s side of the family years ago that I did not want the present that she was ready to give to me when I visited their family down in South Carolina for the Christmas holiday twenty years ago.

“You don’t want it?!” My father’s aunt had exclaimed to me in shock. “Any of the others (my young cousins) would have loved to get a gift”, she added in response to my unexpected reaction.

“Then give it to one of them”, I said in return nonchalantly and rather coldly.

This woman was upset and intended to return the item she had purchased for me back to the store where she worked instead of just giving it to someone else.

This aunt of my father’s had acknowledged to me that she had not bought a Christmas gift for another relative and did not want it to get back to them that she had gotten me something and not them.

The incident had gotten back to them anyhow when one of her adult sons approached me in front of her (the cousin she did not buy a gift for) and another cousin (one of his own daughters) about hurting his mother’s feelings by not wanting and accepting her Christmas present.

I was not fazed or intimidated by his attitude. His words went through one ear and out the other with me.

When I do not like someone- even if it is a relative- I will reject their offerings. I do not care to receive anything from them, and I will not hesitate to let them know how I feel.

It is not the gift that matters to me, it is the person who is behind the actions.

If there is a person who is significant to me, or is in my zone of congeniality then I will respect or show courtesy.





When One Sends Their Very Best


I received a beautiful Christmas card in the mail yesterday from one of my life-long friends.

I loved the outside illustrations of the card as well as the encouraging Bible verse reminder.  The additional inspirational words of sentiment were truths that I affirm to within life.



This friend of mine expressed how she tries hard to find just the right one.

I remember when she sent me a wonderful birthday card earlier this year beautifully illustrated with the character of Wonder Woman.

She told me she viewed me as a strong woman and always chooses cards that pertain accordingly to the person who she gives them to.



Season’s Greetings


Christmas and the New Year are just around the corner.

Even though I stopped personally celebrating Christmas and other commercialized events when I was a pre-teen, I can still acknowledge the kind holiday greetings.

I picked out a few Christmas cards for two dear friends this evening.

I will mail them out by the end of the week.



Herbal Favorites


I have tasted and experimented with a variety of herbal teas.

Some I liked others I did not.

A few tasted good blended together to enhance flavor while offering combinations of health benefits according to their own properties.

Out of all the herbal teas I have tried my favorites are Cinnamon Apple, Chamomile, and Lemon and Ginger.


Tea And Toast


I love toast!

I had some more oven-heated whole wheat bread spread with I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Vegan spread over the weekend.

I drank more hot cups of delicious Lemon and Ginger herbal tea– this time by the Twinings brand.

I tasted the strong tang of Lemon flavor after the very first sip then the strong peppery spice of soothing ginger.

It is the little things that bring satisfaction to me!