Too Chilled


Autumn kicked off to a cool start.

I had to cover my arms it was so brisk. No more of going without a jacket and/or sweater.

Back to sleeping with a blanket over me at night. No more lying-in bed without being covered up.

It was cold out today, I even shivered a bit in the breeze, but my crazy ass had a taste for some non-dairy ice cream!


What’s Up With The Bus?!


I have traveled all over the place throughout the years- and for years- I should know when something is off.

Today was a bad, odd day for catching the bus. Either one was delayed, far too crowded, or not in service.

I was lucky with four buses today, otherwise, the day was completely strange.

As I waited along with a few others later in the day every one of the people walked away as they got tired of waiting for the bus to arrive.

I stood alone until a new gathering of people came to wait for the bus. The bus never came. I heard a girl from the first crowd of people mention the bus was not going to come but I was holding out hope because the three bags I carried were heavy, and the same bus continued to run within the opposite direction.

I eventually left, though. After I left is when it actually did come.

When I got on one of the buses earlier, I almost felt like I was in an episode of “The Twilight Zone”.

I found out later during my last bus ride that all of this route problem was due to a fire incident on a certain boulevard.