My Parental Tribute To The Wonderful Parents Out There


I’m not a parent.

But I am a daughter of a parent and I know how loving, teaching, and protective a good parent can be.

The dedication put in is absolutely phenomenal.

The roll of mother or father is not an easy task.

The job runs overtime.

The continuity within effort is well worth the time and energy as it is all done in pure joy and satisfaction.

Nothing is more precious than the moments of quality time spent between a child and their parent.

We adult children as well as young appreciate all you as parents do, and have done.

We never forget the way we were taken care of when we were sick.

We never forget how we were patched up when we fell down and got hurt.

We never forget the lessons we were taught.

We never forget those words of encouragement or the confidence that was instilled within us.

We never forget the comfort that made us feel safe and secure.

And, we never forget how you prepared us to face life and the world with determination and courage.

You parents are truly appreciated.  The relationship we have with you is everlasting, and filled with tremendous beauty.









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